
Monday, May 23, 2011

Ill-informed "feminism" or deranged sense of humor?

Please, please tell me that "Slutwalk Teheran" [sic] is a hoax and not real.
Due to the repressive nature of the regime in the Republic of Iran, this event will understandingly exclude citizens of that Republic. Slutwalk Teheran will be an event when thousands upon thousands of women from all parts of the free world will descend on the ancient city of Teheran and reclaim the already partly-reclaimed word "slut". [sic]
Because if you don't even know how to spell the city's name correctly, you really have no business "reclaiming" an English word there and excluding the women of that country. This is all kinds of ill-informed and I won't go into it because I have to think nobody is really that stupid and it's just a joke, right?? It just has to be.


  1. I sent you a couple links I found via Google. I do hope it's not real. Even if they were able to get into the country, it seems inevitable that a lot of people would be hurt and/or jailed.

  2. Thanks for these links, Nikoel!

    This is the strangest hoax ever if it is indeed a hoax. My favorite part is "we do have a think tank of experts in foreign policy, socio-cultural academicians, Iranian ex-patriates and former diplomats." Ha! Riiiight.

  3. how on earth could anyone think this was for real?

  4. @Ario: I bet you a dollar that every single person who has "liked" that page thinks it's real. Not that they're going to fly to "Teheran" or anything, but they at least think it's a worthy "cause." Ha!

  5. Because SlutWalks are popping up all over the world. Plenty of people thought it was real including some that were very concerned about the possibility that someone would be that stupid.
