
Monday, August 1, 2011

Patriarchy in Action

As you know, in order to apply to have my identity papers updated to match the new regime (so I can renew my Iranian passport, so I can go back to Iran), I was asked to provide my American passport. The Iranian government said they would simply look at my American passport to make sure it was real, then they would FedEx it back to me.

Yesterday, my dad forwarded me this email with the message "why is this being mailed to me?":

Subject: FedEx Shipment Notification
This tracking update has been requested by:
Company Name:Emby of Pakistan - Repb Iran
E-mail:'not provided by requestor'
Mailroom of Emby of Pakistan - Repb Iran sent to [THE PERSIAN PERVERSION]
1 FedEx Standard Overnight package(s).This shipment is scheduled to be sent on 07/29/2011.
Reference information includes:
Special handling/Services:Direct Signature Required
Deliver Weekday
Status:Shipment information sent to FedEx
Tracking number:xxxxxxx
NOWHERE on my application did I provide my father's email address!!! There was a line where they asked for my father's name, so they must have connected his name to previous emails they've sent him and then sent my American passport to HIM! I know that fathers are considered the legal gauradians of thier daughters in Iran, but this is just ridiculous!

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