
Monday, September 26, 2011


I'm in Seattle for a week staying with my parents. I came here because I'm attending my ten-year college reunion this weekend. It's so strange to be in the home I grew up in, the city I was born in, the weather I was raised in--cloudy, gray, drizzly. My old room hasn't changed much. The same books are the shelves, the same posters on the walls. It's like a time warp.

Here's an obligatory baby picture (because, of course, all the baby photo albums are here too):
I believe this was taken on the north side of the Montlake Cut overlooking Portage Bay in the university district. Fifteen years after this was shot, I'd be on a crew team and I'd regularly row through this canal, dodging sail boats. This land has since been turned into a parking lot. For all my talk of heritage and lineage--at heart, I'm a Seattle girl, and this is what I know.

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