
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The contents

The FedEx envelope addressed to the Interest Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Embassy of Pakistan in D.C. contains:
  1. Form #423 [filled out in Farsi by my mother]
  2. Four (4) passport-sized photographs [wearing headscarf, no neck showing]
  3. $64 U.S. dollars [money order]
  4. My original U.S. passport [which they say will be mailed back as soon as they confirm it is authentic]
  5. My original Iranian identity papers ["Renewal? What do you mean? Everyone only gets one set when they are born," says the man on the phone. "Identity papers aren't renewed: You are only one person forever." I explain that my identity papers are from before the revolution. "Ah," he says. "Yes, of course you need to mail that in also. Form #423."]